Monday, July 8, 2013

Military Extremist

This morning, I had a strange encounter at Tom Thumb.  Since today is the first day back at work after a long holiday weekend, I woke up later than I usually do.  I didn't have time to prepare my lunch or breakfast for today, so I decided to go by Tom Thumb before heading to the office.

After parking in the moderately filled parking lot, I headed into the store.  A tall, Caucasian gentleman pulled into the parking lot around the same time I did and walked in about the same time with me.  We leisurely made eye contact and I said a mellow "Good morning" and gave him a subtle head nod.  Well, his response wasn't "good morning" or "hello," he responded, "Nice truck."  Well, I was thrown off a little.  We continued to head on into the store and talked about how it is nice to have a short bed truck because they are versatile and functional.

The conversation turned from trucks to military drones and how they have been spotted in the Waco area and how the citizens of the are are shooting at them.  Now, I KNOW that I don't look anything like a military person.  However, he did.  His hair was cut in a flat top burr with a beard.  He appeared to be either a former military person or some type of military conspirator.

I tried my best to cut our conversation short (I was already late for work).  I then continued to walk through the store to grab a few items.  After checking out, I headed to the Starbucks counter in the store.  Guess who was there....conspirator guy.

After I got my coffee, he then comes back up to me and asked if I had heard of Pat Tillman.  I told him yes and I remember he was killed a few months ago in a gun accident.  Well, he then told me that it was not true and that the US Government had helped the guy fake his death and that he was "Deep in the heart of Texas" and living a normal life.  I just stood there  and nodded and smiled.

Well, the crazy guy walked out of the store the same time I did.  Well, he then started speaking to some of the other workers in the store.  I then hurried out of the store and into my truck.  As he was walking out, my engine was roaring and I pulled away.

I thought this was a pretty interesting way to start my week off.

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